DAC AD1862: Almost THT, I2S input, NOS, R-2R

It is certainly not the place, but I had always wanted to understand more about that virtual ground concept with an operational amplifier and the "loopback" resistor. If indeed there is a resistor that is a passive part, the "passive I/V" sentence is certainly not the accurate words for such a tipology I surmise.
The plus input of the OPA is connected to GND. OPA will do everything so that the minus input is also at 0V, that's your virtual GND point. To achieve this, as the current at Iout goes positive, OPA will drive the output negative by as much as the voltage drop across the loopback resistor. When the current at Iout goes negative, the output of the OPA goes positive. In this way, the voltage at Iout is always 0V and gain=(-1). It's active I/V.

That's my view of things, if I'm wrong someone will correct me.:rolleyes:
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I just finished my PCM63 build. For some reason, I’m not getting sound from the left channel. I’ve flip flopped Dac chips + wiring and can isolate the problem to something on the board itself (DAC chips, PSU, IV, and I2S input all confirmed fine). Before I dig into more extensive troubleshooting, I thought I’d post pics here to see if it’s something obvious or known that I’m overlooking. Thanks!


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Will do, thanks for taking a look! In the meantime I reflowed the joints on the DAC IC pins. I also verified that all the power pins on the DAC IC are receiving correct voltages. I think you’re onto something with the input logic pins. I’ll touch those up in the morning and report back. :)
Hey guys,
I have a dumb question. How do you select/search on Mouser wires to connect:
- i2s for USB controller + DAC
- DAC line output to RCA?
There are so many options and I cannot find anything.
Maybe, you have an example from your BOM?
I will appreciate any advice,
See the post #4022 from Vunce :cool: ... you can also buy something from aliexpress:
2.54 pitch: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000867583795.html
... or here both also the 5.08 pitch: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001711075410.html
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