DIY Sony VFET Builders thread

finished customs in Frankfurt : )


  • Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-20 um 12.58.57.png
    Bildschirmfoto 2021-04-20 um 12.58.57.png
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Joined 2011
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... the quick disconnects terminal blocks to fit in the front end boards. Note, the terminal blocks are not in the kit. They’re from my stash.

The other four front end boards have PCB component footprints for both soldered wire connection and Euroblox screw cage connectors, so builders can use whichever of the two possibilities they prefer. Euroblox part numbers are listed in the Detailed Parts Lists and they are part of the one click Mouser Shopping Cart. They fit beautifully without needing to bend the pins :p

You can see them in this photo; the Euroblox are sky blue plastic rectangles, located at approximately 11 o'clock , 3 o'clock , and 7 o'clock on each circuit board. Click on the photo to see it full size and undistorted:




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Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Wow, you guys are FAST! So many posts in the last day... great to see. :)

While I'm still waiting for chassis and some time to fire up the soldering iron, at least I've been able to noodle on some aspects of this build... and I remembered a special box that I had tucked away. I always knew I'd find a good use for these beauties (future upgrade, will build the stock kit first, then start work on a front end of my own design)... 290kHz and +27dBu's worth of quadfilar deliciousness. Roughly the same vintage as those Sony VFETs, too.

take care about ratio

if you use it as regular Xformer ( not autoformer) ...... originally used Edcor 600:15K is having a gain of 5V/V
Time to see how far I can get with mounting and wiring the PCBs today. I've scavanged some screws from my Ultimate 4U, 500mm deep chassis and will replace them with VFET chassis screws once those arrive.
The color wiring diagram in Nelson's Sony VFET pt1 manual is the key:


  • VFET wiring diagram.png
    VFET wiring diagram.png
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