DIY Video Projector

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Cold plate alternative?

A few years ago, I was fascinated by a substance called aerogels. For those of you who don't know what it is, it is a silica based solid that also happens to be the lightest known to man, as well as an excellent insulator. Original experiments produced very brittle samples, but recently the production has been improved. Mountain coats with this stuff have been made that can tolerate temps from -50 to 5000 degrees F. Unfortunately the material still has a blue hue to it, but production in a microgravity environment may soon alleviate that.

I was thinking that maybe a thin sheet of this material could be used around a condensor and protect it and the LCD. Hopefully we could get sheets that pass most of the light and color adjustments could be made for the video to compensate for the blue light tint.

A quick search yielded these

Here's a place that sells 5x5cm 'high quality' samples for $47 shipping
Samples for $15

So the LOA light is basically a very bright backlight for the LCD that does not require a fresnel? That's the approach I would like to take. I know those lights are very bright and efficient.

LOA light ------>LCD------->Delta lens assembly

This might be grossly oversimplified, but is this what you had success with? Sorry to hear about the broken ribbon on the LCD. What LCD's are you looking at to replace that one?


Those aerogels are cool. That second link gives a great description. It's worth keeping an eye on that, especially if they can make it clear instead of blue. I'm not sure if it would filter IR radiation, but it sounds like it would insulate the LCD from the heat generated by the bulb/ballast.


I like the overdriven fluorescent idea too. I might try it on my aquarium lighting if I get a chance. I haven't seen any specific data on the ballast or the bulb of the LOA light, but I don't see why this couldn't be applied to it...with the trade-off of decreased life and increased heat, of course. It at least gives us an interesting option.

Flash Light sources

Firstly I'm not being a kill joy here but (in my experience which I must say is limited.) using strobing and flash sources for these projectors just isn't going to be feasable as it is necessary to synchronise the flashes (which are at 50/60hz) to the switching of the LCD display so that waht you get isn't a half drawn or blank screen.
An alternative to this would be to strobe at a multiple of the refresh rate. eg. 100 hz or 150hz for 50Hz video, as this would no longer require the synchronisation of video and light sources.

On a seperate note, I've been hearing rumours of car companies using LED banks of around 100 individual units to replace headlamps in some top of the range cars ( the story I heard was Mercedes-Benz taking this approach) in this case, a very bright and a reasonably wide beamed source would be necessary to provide the spread for covering the space in front of a car. If this is true, either finding these units as replacements or finding the brand of LED to use would be useful.

Thats all for now, keep up the good work everyone.


Thats pretty much the way my projector is setup. It is a little tricky getting the LCD panel mounted in front of the Delta lens correctly though. I'll try to make some pics of the panel mount I made.

The LCD I'm using is a 5" from Parts-Express. ($120)

My idea was to make a descent NTSC projector for under $200.

Thats pretty much the way my projector is setup. It is a little tricky getting the LCD panel mounted in front of the Delta lens correctly though. I'll try to make some pics of the panel mount I made.

The LCD I'm using is a 5" from Parts-Express. ($120)

My idea was to make a descent NTSC projector for under $200.
to zark

this forum thread is great....!!!!... it took me 3 days to read every post.... I'm very interested in starting this project... but i would like to know more info....

1. zark, which model lcd did you order from parts-express??.... it seems as though they only have lcd's that are encased by enclosures.... was it very hard to seperate the lcd and back lighting system???...

2. also, i noticed that everyone is now using very different light sources... my question is this.... what generates the heat???... is it the actual bulb or is it the light that is emitted???.... or both???....

3. and any optics formulas for what is needed for a certain sized lcd would be appreciated.... ie. if lcd is LxW size then these 2 sized lenses are needed at this distance from lcd.... i know this sounds cryptic.... hopefully you guys understand what i'm saying....

thanks.... and also if need be I am able to host other people's pictures on my web site..... if you need free webspace dedicated to showing your project email me


I have bought a few different types of Page Magnifiers and have found the properties of this to be differnt ffrom a fresnel lens. The fresnel lens of my overhead projector has a much greater magnification property then just normal page maginifers. So when vince said he was having trouble with the optics from his LEDS it may have been this, there may be a future in such a device! Anyway I also thought I should tell you this so you don't buy page magnifiers and find they don't work as expected.

Here is the link for the LCD:

or if you go directly to the website "" the LCD will be about halfway down the page, it'll be the one for $119

The lcd is a raw module without a case. It wasn't very hard to strip down, but it is very delicate. When you are ready to pull it apart you'll need to have a mount ready ( to much movement will cause the ribbon cables to tear ). I'm going to make some pics of the mount and enclosure that I have so far. I haven't had time to setup a website yet, but if you would like to post the images on yours that would be fine with me.

The heat is caused by the bulb. Some bulbs such as the Hologen produce a high heat level to create light where others like the Fluorex are more efficient at producing light.

Thanks for that link.... This model looks perfect compared to the one's that are encased in a closure system.....

I plan to start this in a couple of weeks.... you have given me a more secure ground to start from..... thx....

anyone with those optics formulas PLEASE POST!!.....

also zark... I am willing to throw those photos up..... email me at with the photos and i'll post a link to them when I get them up...

Hi all........

I've been lurking here for a while now (and participating with the Greenspun + Yahoo boards) and I thought I'd post a quick question:

Where can you buy a Lights of America Flourex lamp from online!?? I've looked all over and I can't find one :(

We UK and other 'non US' people can't just pop down to Walmart or HomeDepot, so I'm a bit stuck :(

(If everyone's agreed that they're the one to have I will offer someone a commission to mail me one! Any offers?)

Anyway, if anyone's interested, my list of bits currently goes as follows:

Delta 20 projection lens; Marshall 2.5" TFT; & the odd fresnell that I've got kicking about... need that light! :p

Keep up the good work everyone, we'll all have envious friends/neighbours/collegues yet!



I would try looking at the "Store Locator" link on There's a pretty large list there...I'm not sure if any of those are in the UK, though. Maybe one of those stores can ship to the UK? Good luck with it!

Type-E and anybody else,

I 've seen a Delta 77 lens on for very cheap...does anyone have experience with it? The lenses seem a little smaller than some of the others I have seen mentioned. How does the size of the lens correlate with the size of the LCD you can use it with? Would, say, an 8" LCD work with a lens assembly that uses 3" lenses if the LCD must be placed at close proximity to the lens? Just curious...

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