DIYA store "Wolverine" (Son of Badger) .... suggestions ??

I built an integrated Gainclone amp for my parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary about 15 years ago and it's time I built something new for them. I've been considering various amplifier and preamp/buffer options for a while. The Wolverine is a very strong contender for the amplifier so long as the boards are made available sometime in the next 2-3 months. I'm happy to build on the bleeding edge but have a few questions for JT and the rest of the Wolverine design team:

  1. Is it reasonable to assume that Wolverine pcbs will be available in the February - March 2022 timeframe?
  2. Would a 3U Dissipante chassis from the store provide adequate heatsinking for the Wolverine?
  3. Do you foresee any issues with pairing a simple diamond buffer or a Wayne's Burning Amp 2018 line stage with the Wolverine design?

I'm not asking for guarantees; best guesses are fine.

Many thanks,
I'm running a 5ch Honey Badger in one chassis. heatsink for each ch is a 4U300mm (internal). Bias is set to 70+mA pr outputpair (210+mA total), and +/-57Vdc rails. And that is plenty. So there should not be a problem running a 2ch with 3U400mm sinks for each ch. Actually i'm now in the process of building just that. A 2ch Honey Badger in a 3U400mm chassis.
I'm clueless about electronics design/operation but I read the entire thread. Just want to say, the transparency, endless iterations over all details and, general commitment by the group responsible are exemplary.

For those like me who are very comfortable (and at least good enough) soldering, a detailed build guide and bom will be critical. Having said that, I've signed up for boards and will see what comes of it lol.

Anyway, just a big thanks and much respect to the design crew :worship:
Joined 2016
Paid Member
Hi Guy’s.

After some 9 months of development, I’m very happy to announce that the build and verification of the prototype 3 PCB was a success.
Neil kindly built the Prototype 3 for us and followed the build guide to the letter to ensure all the DiyAudio Members that build this amplifier have relevant & clear information on:
  1. What to consider prior to building this amplifier.
  2. How to build this amplifier.
  3. How to setup & test this amplifier.
Attached are some photos of the prototype 3 build.
Please note that Prototype 3 is on top and Prototype 2 is on the bottom in the attached images.

I can also share some of our distortion measurements with you all.
These measurements were taken on prototype 2 using the QA-401 together with Bob Cordell’s distortion magnifier.
This particular build of prototype 2 did not used matched transistors.

1Khz, 80Wrms, 8 ohm load 0.00006%
10Khz, 80Wrms, 8 ohm load 0.00035%

Neil, has also told me that the amplifier went together effortlessly and just worked. This build provided the opportunity to test and edit the build guide for accuracy and it worked out extremely well. The guide was written to reflect a logical sequence of steps to make the build and power-up trouble free. We also included some technical detail that we thought would be helpful to the less experienced builders.

Although Pete Vogel (Ostripper, OS) was not part of our small team, his initial work and project goals helped to keep us all motivated and focused over the past 6 months.

I would like to make mention and thank the people on this team for all the unpaid time and effort they have put into this project. The names of the members are Keantoken, JJS (Jeremy), Harry3 (Harry), Neilshop (Neil), Johno (John), thompsontechs (Jim), Thimios (Thimios) & Brettn56 (Brett).
Without them this project would not have been completed, researched and tested to such a high standard.

We will spend a few more days verifying the board to ensure.
  1. All the data we collected during the testing of prototype 2 checks out.
  2. Photos and any additions details are added to the BOM and build guide.
  3. Any minor tweaks to the pcb’s have been completed.
We will then place the orders for the pcb’s with possibly 3 color options (Green, Blue & Black)

Please note.
  1. We will not be posting Gerber's of the PCB’s, so please don’t ask.
  2. Initially we will only send out a BOM, Build Guide & Schematic to people who pay for their boards. This is due to the parts shortages at the moment. We want to give those members who do pay every chance to order the parts from the BOM.
  3. Once a few months have passed we will post the BOM, Build Guide & Schematic online for members who would like to refer to them in future.
I would also like to thank all of the DiyAudio members who have shown an interest in this project.
You have all been so very patient and supportive as this development process has taken place.

I wish you all a happy new year and we will update you all once the final boards are ready to order.

Enjoy the images of the Wolverine IPS and the Precision EF3 Board.


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Approx 80mm x 260mm with mounting holes to the UMS specification for the Precision EF3 board and the Wolverine Input board is approx 50mm x 120mm. The Wolverine is plugable and mounts on top of the EF3 (with only a ground plane underneath). This design allows the alternate Spooky input scheme to be plugged in if and when it becomes available.