Iron Pre Essentials Kits For The DIYA Store - Register Your Interest

Recently I have built an Iron pre(on a custom pcb) that is integrated into a balanced preamp.
As the volume control I use the muses chips, the transformer used is the cmoq4hpc.
I have also a balanced ba3 that gave me the opportunity to make comparisons with the IP.
I used it with the Aleph j and more recently with the Boo(power follower with no voltage gain).
If you don’t need a lot of power, the IP set for 6db gain will “shake you cage”(like ZM says) spectacularly.
If you need more power(you intend to drive power followers to very loud levels) just get the edcor 600/15k
As for me… I prefer the IP over the bba3. It measures better and to my ears sounds better. The bba3 goes in when I want to play loud so mostly none of the time.
Another thing that I like very much on the IP is the ability to convert se to bal and bal to se.

So my advice… even you think you don’t need a pre right now just get the kit and build it when you’ll have some spare time so you can regret you didn’t build it sooner!
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Hi @GuidoR and anyone that has a similar question.

It's a great question.

First, no one will be obligated to buy exactly what they expressed interest in purchasing. I think a few people have changed their minds after learning that the balanced version can do both SE and balanced.

Second, there's an extremely high likelihood that these kits are going to be a permanent addition to the store.

Because we have a limited number of the kits for the initial order, we have to do our best to be fair. We only have 1/2 the number of balanced kits as SE.

So, if you do not want an SE kit, when we get to your second entry, if there is a BAL kit still available, it's yours. The good news is that even if you don't get the first run of kits, you should be able to get one 'not too much later'. It will definitely be next year though.

Note - We're trying to be incredibly transparent re: timing and how all of this is running in the background. We think you'll all be thrilled once you get your kits. We think we have sources available to make future runs, so don't fret. We're still trying for this run to be in the story by EOY, but... don't judge if we're a bit past our goal. Shipping delays, parts shortages, general ookups, life in general, etc. make it all a bit more challenging.

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First of all. many thanks for organizing this incredible opportunity for so many DIYers (and thanks as well to Nelson's generosity, and ZM continuous help to the community).
Thus, are you saying that I would insert a second subscription for a BAL kit, and when asked "to refuse" the SE one and take (possibly in the first run, or in the following one) the BAL one?

I don't want to "artificially inflate" the numbers...

Thanks again
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I couldn't resist but express my interest😬How did I miss this one for so long?! The Bal version looks like a nifty solution for mixed sources. The PCBs are very neat with majority of PSU on board. There is even providence to tap +/-12v (for my muses volume control)! Now I really wonder what (if any) the enclosure would look like. Very exciting!
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I think I will also go for a balanced kit as my DAC has XLR balanced out (even that I signed for a SE-kit). I don't think my current DAC is "native balanced" as it has only one DAC chip pr. channel. But then I can at least try both outputs and see if I can hear any difference.
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Joined 2019
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First of all. many thanks for organizing this incredible opportunity for so many DIYers (and thanks as well to Nelson's generosity, and ZM continuous help to the community).
Thus, are you saying that I would insert a second subscription for a BAL kit, and when asked "to refuse" the SE one and take (possibly in the first run, or in the following one) the BAL one?

I don't want to "artificially inflate" the numbers...

Thanks again
Hi Guido - Yes, please submit another entry. You won't be inflating the numbers, but I appreciate your consideration.
Now I really wonder what (if any) the enclosure would look like. Very exciting!
Interest was high enough that we're taking a look at options. Ideas are flowing, but a decision re: putting out a chassis is not final. Glad to see even more excitement!
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