Is it possible to cover the whole spectrum, high SPL, low distortion with a 2-way?

Yes, Yamamoto makes them (I believe), but I've seen clones as well.
It's a monster: Width 806, height 330 and depth of 513mm, it weighs 37Kg.
Can be used from 400Hz

Curves look decent too.

This is the Yamamoto product page of the F280A.
Joined 2009
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Not being an analog fetishist, I use this for 808 sounds:

I'm so disapointed. And as i'am an analog fetishist ( for some place not all) here is what i use: an ( almost) exact clone of the kick.
This is the left protoboard. It miss the extension proto as i call it (with other option as attack time and shape,....) and the gate driver/ conditioner( Ro808 is right about the important point of the circuit the 1ms pulse: the leakage is in part responsible of the 'click' sound and behavior of sequencer ( sometime missing the accent) and is in practice not easy to really clone without the chip driving the whole thing, so you need a trigger contioner to change gate cv to pulse).
Other boards are ms20 filter section adaptation and Zvex mastodon. All into the Emu for tweaking... like this for more than 10years ( i should put my circuits in box i know)... :D

And then let the fun begin :D :
Ok i have to admit i use D16 plug too. But there is something with the real circuit: it does interface well with stompboards and other analog gear. Punk style yes, old school i know... :)

Ro808, thank you for the link to the gd thread. The usual suspects and interesting things to read. Some thoughts i have well summerized.

AllenB, well the quote was about the whole message. I wasn't very clear, my bad. I think i'm interested in the difference i understand between real delay and electronic solution to solve it.


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Joined 2009
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I'mm kidding! ;)
Upgraded yes but not ultra. Changed the fan to a quieter bigger one, maxed on ram and pram, latest os on rom,with sd card reader and out expansion (16 total).
It was my main sampler and still is in a way. I use it differently now, like in the video i linked more as an effect box in a way... but it have a sound of it's own. No plug comes close in my view. Like said in the video it was the sampler for D&B production untill 2005 approximately. Think Konflict, Stakka and Skynet,...
Was the instrument which is more or less grandfather of Dubstep. All productions from Scorn ( fro Gyral to Zander) were done true this one. Sielwolf IV been done using it too. Those records does have the Emulator sound signature i like.
It got help from Kurzweil K 2000 ( i come from industrial music and the K2000 is THE sampler for this) and others... but those two one are my mains sampling tools.
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Found some Japanese tools for docali to play with...

This looks very sophisticated. Thanks! :)

What I find interesting with the Yamamoto F280A is that the fins already show a slight expansion vertical wise which should make it it much more difficult to manufacture. This is different to all other horns of this type. Additionally, the fins are made from a special very hard wood.

Where do you have found clones of this horn?
So lets make a driver that can play to 300hz or even lower but not offer products that properly support the range....thank you for your time.......

I'm to make a frame out of rings of mdf....and then scult the inside of that frame with some kind clay, mold material, concrete, mortar, not sure what will be the best material....but inside of the mdf rings, I'll use a template to sculpt a 100hz tractrix.

Idea #2 is to buy a mini CNC and piece by piece manufacture the separate pieces and then, one by one, glue them together. I actually like this idea better. I just need to confirm that I can do this...I have a friend in manufacturing that is an aid to me.

CAn someone source me a Tractrix and Jmlc Cad file? An Iwata cad file oooooo baby. I'll make a 100hz iWata.
The clones were posted here.

Big, non-snail Sato horn.
Fc is 110Hz and response shown with JBL 2482 + Radian diaphragm.


  • Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_5.JPG
    Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_5.JPG
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  • Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_4.JPG
    Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_4.JPG
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  • Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_3.JPG
    Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_3.JPG
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  • Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_2.JPG
    Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_2.JPG
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  • Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_1.JPG
    Low-Midhorn, 110 cm, Fc 110Hz +JBL2482 with Radian Diagram_1.JPG
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1) If you want to optimize driver loading at low frequencies use a Salmon horn with 0<=T<1 and annul driver reactance.
2) If not using room boundaries to extend the horn, increased mouth curvature is still required.
3) If you also want to mitigate beaming at higher frequencies, then introduce VIR acoustic lens into the wave front pathway.
VIR - Variable Index of Refraction.
CIR - Constant Index of Refraction

I'm sorry Wesaygo, it was Whgeiger who said that.

2" exit Docali
2" exit Docali

You should be aware that for such a small throat the JMLC horn length is about 133cm with T=0.707!

Recently I programmed a complete new algorithm of constantly adding conical sections inspired by JMLC and then modified it as progressive expansion T. Attached is a variant starting with T=1 and adding 4 along the horn. This leads to a much faster opening horn. It is still huge!

View attachment
You should be aware that for such a small throat the JMLC horn length is about 133cm with T=0.707!

Recently I programmed a complete new algorithm of constantly adding conical sections inspired by JMLC and then modified it as progressive expansion T. Attached is a variant starting with T=1 and adding 4 along the horn. This leads to a much faster opening horn. It is still huge!

View attachment 793831

52" yess yessss morreee mooorrreee! but I was thnking of an opening somewhere around 39" in diameter....The 110hz on autotech is about 39" diameter
TRACTRIX-110 - Horns by Auto-Tech
Now I gotta figure out how to open that file you sent
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52" yess yessss morreee mooorrreee! but I was thnking of an opening somewhere around 39" in diameter....The 110hz on autotech is about 39" diameter
TRACTRIX-110 - Horns by Auto-Tech
Now I gotta figure out how to open that file you sent

Tractrix is a complete different profile. Do you really intend a 2" exit driver with such a huge horn? I do not think that this is reasonable anymore.