Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

It looks a little different than what you say.

Well, yes, just a little. AK4490 can do volume control for DSD too, unlike most software audio stacks. It actually does that by converting DSD to PCM and then applying the common volume control of the chip, according to RME Volume control when playing native DSD files | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum .

However there are software players which know how to change DSD volume natively.

That diyinkh talk about their special firmware - IIUC they added USB-audio feature for volume control to their USB device configuration, converting the volume values sent by the USB host to I2C commands of the DAC chip. I do not see anything special about it, I would expect any USB-audio implementation to be able to do that.

Note: I love the "bit perfect lossless I2C DSD and PCM volume control". No digital volume control is bitperfect/lossless, by principle :)
Well, yes, just a little. AK4490 can do volume control for DSD too, unlike most software audio stacks. It actually does that by converting DSD to PCM and then applying the common volume control of the chip, according to RME Volume control when playing native DSD files | Audio Science Review (ASR) Forum .

However there are software players which know how to change DSD volume natively.

That diyinkh talk about their special firmware - IIUC they added USB-audio feature for volume control to their USB device configuration, converting the volume values sent by the USB host to I2C commands of the DAC chip. I do not see anything special about it, I would expect any USB-audio implementation to be able to do that.

Note: I love the "bit perfect lossless I2C DSD and PCM volume control". No digital volume control is bitperfect/lossless, by principle :)

How is below possible on native DSD bitstream?

"However there are software players which know how to change DSD volume natively."

I thought it always had to be converted to an intermediate format for example PCM or whatever internal format ESS uses before digital volume can be done.
TimCurtis: I do not know the details but at least HQPlayer boasts to control DSD volume. IMO there should be a way to do so directly in DSD.

Not really - to do that one must turn the DSD stream into a multibit one, for instance replacing the ones with an 8 bit value between 1 and 255, then sigma-delta modulate that. There is no way to reduce the volume of a DSD stream without implicitly converting to some form of PCM or highly increasing the sampling rate.

moOde 7.5.0 is available for download. This release includes important new features, updates and bug fixes. Visit the Forum for more information. moOde 7.5.0 is available


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I install moode on a Raspi3. I use it with the Xonar U7 MKII which have 2 output analog and Toslink.
card 2: MKII [Xonar U7 MKII], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 2: MKII [Xonar U7 MKII],
device 1: USB Audio [USB Audio #1] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0 card 2: MKII [Xonar U7 MKII],
device 2: USB Audio [USB Audio #2] Subdevices: 1/1 Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

but moode gui only allow to choose the card but not allow to choose the device which made me unable to output sound through the tosklink port. I tried to modify the /etc/alsa/conf.d/_audioout.conf and manually change the output device (hw:2,1) but the modified setting did not apply even after reboot.
After looking for a while I figue that by changing ",0/" to ",1/" in the file playerlib.php and chose the sound card in the web gui -> mpd setting I would be able to output sound to my spdif device.
So my question is what exactly happened? Why manually changing the _audioout.conf did not change the output.
Edit: I don't know if this is the right place to ask questions but since moode forum don't allow to register so please bear with me.
@TimCurtis I've got a new boss2/pi4 it's not recognising my USB thumb drive that worked a couple of weeks ago on my old Boss 1.2, I've tried clearing the library cache and all other thing that were suggested on this thread I can't register on the forum as new registrations are disabled by the admin.

Any ideas? there's 115GB of FLAC on there, not sure I want to tranfer it again though...

moOde 7.6.1 is available for download. This release includes important updates and bug fixes. Visit the Forum for more information.
Sorry for off topic, but (because i am a big fan of Moode - i am using it on 4 RPis) it will be usefull to be registerred on your's forum. Unfortunately i am not able to do this, because of : "Sorry, but you cannot register at this time because the administrator has disabled new account registrations". I tried to make a registration many times, always the same reason and result. Can you help me somehow? Thank you.