Most euphoric high-end midrange you have heard?

I had Cabasse Iroise here. Imported them from Paris for the first money I earned digging ditches in US. They had Styrofoam cones and centric mid tweeters section. Bright as hell but they were imaging like a gangbusters . Almost holographic. I bet i would like them much more now..
That were the new ones, never liked the new white cones. The old ones were warm and musical with a 12" paper that I found good. A friend of mine classical and jazz oriented bougth (with my advices) a 3 ways classic from Cabasse with a nad 3020 . That was in ...what... 1989 maybe ! He still enjoy them and btw never shared my quest about hifi, ahah !

Modern loudspeaker are most on the clear and suny ligth side of sound, more transparent too. The mix between the sources, amp, interlinks is more difficult to make good I have found in my hifi journey but is worthing it.
lower midrange, middle midrange, and upper midrange = midrange.
I would say "midrange" is midrange. :geek:
In terms of mixing the lower midrange has a total different funktion and impact as midrange. In terms of speaker building these are not that exactly defined - but 100-200Hz is the transition area of the room, that's for sure not midrange and it would help to spread this are over 2 drivers btw.

But a driver usually has to span at least an octave below that lowest freq. for most crossover integration. That is a tough ask for a small Sd driver with little excursion that can achieve higher Spl’s at low distortion.
Does your tweeter span at least an octave lower as you use them? No.
And is this a problem? No!

2 reasons. At the crossover frequency you are already 6dB down. That's a LOT less excursion!
And your ACOUSTICAL filter adds from speaker behaviour and electronical filter. When you insist to use for e.g. 4th order highpass and 4th order lowpass then your speakers need a good overlap so your acoustical filters are also 4th order. But you can do that more intelligent (e.g. 2nd order hp electrical + hp behaviour of speaker -> 4th order hp).

No idea where people have the idea these mid dome drivers are "weak". The loudest HiFi/Studio Speakers are built with them, they have higher sensitivity as all HiFi drivers. 3" coil - many low frequency drivers don't have coils this diameter. They produce dynamic and level way over normal HiFi midrange drivers!
You just need to cross a little higher, in an area where wavelength is about 0,8m. That's actually pretty easy to do seamless.
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Nothing wrong with them for their purpose but they somehow lost popularity among the speaker makers and the listening public. You look at speakers from 80's and there are lots of midrange domes. Where are they now ? In studios mostly in form of ATC ,PCM . And the reason is ?
Or Neumann.

Ever wondered why most recordings sounds like shite ? Here is your answer. Deaf Mofos mixing on dead speakers and poking the public eye with waterfall and polar characteristics of that junk.

What a grim view on audio.
I'm in this hobby for the listening and I don't regret one minute I've spend on it.
For me the real magic is in the (recorded) music and I see (or saw actually) it as my job to get that magic out there in my room by building speakers that suit that space. There's plenty of recorded music out there that's well worth listening to. If there wasn't any I would not have spend this much time on doing it justice. I'm in this hobby because I love music.

To keep this thread on track, one of the earliest most impressive listening impressions in the midrange was an old Altec setup from my next door neighbor. These days I'm plenty happy with my own speakers. EQ/DSP helped get me there. (the horror :eek:)
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I didn't write about not having joy from listening to music. But most of so called "audiophile " or music lover struggle is centered on trying to correct heinous sounding recordings F..ed up by deaf morons behind consoles who then have an audacity to pontify to public about sound. they should be banned from audio boards for crimes against humanity :)
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The reason why there are less 3" midranges? Easy - they are expensive! Look at these ATC drivers - they are monsters with huge magents and produced in low pieces. And you need a proper 3-way construction - also expensive.
As long as people are happy with some 6"/1" bookshelf speakers ... you can earn way more with these.

3" midranges where always in the market for the use cases where you couldn't find better material. And seem to find a comeback, I recon cause we need loud and distortion free speakers for home cinema.

limono - can you give us a link to a recording you have done? Seems like you know best how to do it? 🙄