My_Ref Fremen Edition - Build thread and tutorial

I have an older BGW250D from 1978 that uses the lm318, for its input, and after hearing it for the first time just recently I can fully appreciate how it had been selected for this project. Even with it’s ancient ceramic disc capacitors it had a very intoxicating sound, couldn’t believe it.
I also was baffled at how I hadn’t seen the lm318 used before in any diy projects???

I have since also improved that older amplifier’s performance using the decoupling methods learned from this project, so many thanks for that:)
I did feel a lot of "tube magic" albeit scaled way bigger than my F3. The LM318 is for the large part responsible to this.
I do understand why Dario is so attached to it, but so far everyone that has tried one of the two recommended alternative modern OPAs has preferred them to the default configuration.
I will have the time to compare only when the next GB finishes.
Oh, yes! I have missed this in the following post you made 2 years ago. Well, I can only say that your findings were more reliable than I though.

You see... again... not kind at all...

See, I wasn't imagining things :)

You don't need to imagine anything, just ask.

I always answer with the truth.

I hope that you will soon, I think your most loyal tweakers are waiting for words for the master.

I'm not a 'master'.

These a none of your business but these last two years have been not the most easy for me, I've yet to fully recover from the death of my father.

When I'll find time and motivation I will do it and I will post here my findings.

In the meanwhile you can build your FE with OPA827, it's the best bet so far but still my recommendation in this moment is for the LM318.

And please include ADA4627-1A and ADA4627-1B which on paper (read: George measures) looks the best. I found and saved em all.

When I will do the comparison they will be present but they sound too much sterile from what I can say in this moment.
Quad Resistors, again

Don't mean to hijack the thread, but I wanted let those interested in Quads that I have pulled together information on the Quads and put it in a new thread in the Parts area. The thread is titled,

Quad or Series/Parallel Resistors as an alternative to traditional power resistors

One area of interest to the FE is that I have done a bit more work on power distortion and low value resistors like our R3. There is a table there showing a comparison of 5 different resistor technologies.


I'm so sorry to hear about your father. None of this has any importance when compared to family.

Best wishes.


Thanks Jac, much appreciated.

He dead at the end of September 2016 but my motivation since then has been really low.

I have bags full of parts and several projects I can’t manage to complete or even start for real.
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You see... again... not kind at all...
Once again, saying that you were comparing apples with oranges wasn't "unkind" nor unrespectful. Far from me to use bad words or consider your actions "stupid". All the opposite. Hope we are clear now.

I'm not a 'master'.

I wanted to use the word "creator", but that belongs to Mauro, therefore I recurred to this alternative. I'm pretty sure that ppl here consider you the Master of the My_ref_FE.

Once again, saying that you were comparing apples with oranges wasn't "unkind" nor unrespectful. Far from me to use bad words or consider your actions "stupid". All the opposite. Hope we are clear now.

I wanted to use the word "creator", but that belongs to Mauro, therefore I recurred to this alternative. I'm pretty sure that ppl here consider you the Master of the My_ref_FE.

Guido, maybe it's that we're using both a foreign language but the way you expressed here was not the best one IMHO.

A more 'kind' way of expressing your doubts would have been someting like:

"I'm not so sure comparing opamps in a different circuit have some merit... how do you find useful such a test?"

You would have also asked for clarification and gave me the benefit of doubt.

And then when I've made clear it wasn't as you thought, saying:

Well, I can only say that your findings were more reliable than I though.

I read: "Well I though your findings were not reliable, maybe they're just a bit less unreliable"

It would have been much better something like: "I see, maybe I misundertood, much better now."

And finally, I suppose you're saying you're sorry for the misunderstanding (note: I'm not saying that you're sorry for your opinions but for the fact we didn't understood each other!).

Instead you could have simple wrote that, for example:

I'm sorry for the misundesrtanding, hope all is clear now.

BTW let's say it was only a language problem, forget about it.
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I just have to travel to Italy one of these days. Last week I was trying to pin point some locations on the map to visit. Main interest in visiting cities where have more creative origins such as Venice having lots of glass art. Perhaps sone other kinds like furniture, paintings, engineering, etc.? Scenic places and good food are also welcome...
Scenic places..
This here is just from my office, today


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4637 is something that also me wished to try. Will happen one day.

OK, but, theoretically, what do you think of its high slew rate (about 100V/us IIRC)?
In particular:
1) Will it be hard/impossible to stabilize?
2) Will it change the overall myref SL? I'm not sure if it depends on the lm3886, on the input opa or the combination of both.

Thanks in advance.
I don't see any significant difference between 100V/usec or 70V/usec slew rate (lm318) so if it works with lm318 then similar slewing device should not be more difficult.
Anyway, the stability is more gain bandwith product and gain/phase related.
Notwithstanding, in the myref topology slewing capabilities of the control amp are important. So it works rather on the contrary: moderate to high slew rate is not a problem; low slew rate is..

And no, the final, total slew rate of the composite amp will not depend on the control amp; it will be limited by the output stage; the LM3886.

Ciao, George