My_Ref Fremen Edition - Build thread and tutorial

Hi Bob, I'm using those build instructions. I just wanted to be certain about that diode because the one pictured in that guide has a yellow band and the diode I got has a black one. I assumed there's no difference, just wanted it confirmed, I don't like making assumptions :no:
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lol, that's their job though eh.

Many years working as a marine engineer must have left me with mild OCD. The thought that if I screwed up people could die, was never far from my mind.

I quickly get back into pedantic engineer mode when I start working with circuits :D

Well now you've taken it up a notch and are starting to sound like that famous "Director of Life Preservation" from Scotland - Proff Andrew T. He promotes the "wire it correctly so you don't have to die - for your music" approach constantly. :D:D
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Dario, can you please check for me that I got D3 the right way round.

It seem correct, the color of the band it's not important... just mount the diode with the band upward.

I didn't notice any sound difference among yellow and black bands... :D ;) :spin:

It's a few years now since I last did any SMD soldering, and it shows. I wish I had taken a picture of the other board now, that capacitor looks bad at that angle :eek:

It will work fine.

If you want you can reduce the excess solder with solder wick.
Solder fume inspired dreams :zombie:

I need to get another transformer so I can test the boards properly before I pull my working gainclone apart to recycle it's transformer and enclosure.

I'll order one on Monday but it'll take a couple of days to get here, wonder if I can wait that long to test the FE boards, probably not :D

A delay caused by the dam car needing a new exhaust :(
I got the boards cleaned up almost immaculately, then went over every millimetre with a high power magnifier. It's amazing the amount of tiny specs of solder you cannot see with the naked eye which get left behind even after scrubbing with EPA and nylon brush. All removed now.

Anyway I tested the boards with a 30va transformer.

AC power input = 21.7v x 2

DC at speaker output terminals, one board = 2.2 millivolts, the other board = 6.9 millivolts

I couldn't risk pushing the volume high but at low volume they both sound clear through the cheap Sony bookshelf speaker I used for testing.

Just need the second 300va transformer now and I can finish the build.
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I use one of these - 10x Magnifier | Carson LumiLoupe

It's amazing what I find using this that I miss completely with the naked eye.

If all components are correctly positioned and I sort any solder issues I find using the magnifier, everything works as it should.

As long as i don't then go and stupidly short a track to ground with a brass standoff like I did with my gainclone build :eek:

EDIT - in my last post I mentioned EPA, another dam typo! It should have read IPA (isopropyl alcohol)
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DC at speaker output terminals, one board = 2.2 millivolts, the other board = 6.9 millivolts

Excellent values :)

Just need the second 300va transformer now and I can finish the build.

You mean the single transformer you have is a 300VA one?

If so it's plenty to drive both modules.

There's a slight possibility of having some hum but it will work fine.

Obviously the second one will improve things further.