Official M2 schematic

Lengthwise allows a more symmetrical wire routing, that's all. Simply a question. If I had the room my OCD tendencies would run it lengthwise. I did my own M2 with Tea's Clone boards and PS as shown, but I had a smaller 4U case...


The orientation you note would probably work if the Tiroidial was 4" in dia
However the one being used is 6" in dia
2 inches is a lot of real estate inside a chassis

Specs are here -
The orientation you note would probably work if the Tiroidial was 4" in dia
However the one being used is 6" in dia
2 inches is a lot of real estate inside a chassis

Specs are here -

I counted baseplate holes in your pic and it looked close, but of course the pic is not top-down. I have mine situated like yours, in a smaller case, and I have no issues. Either way it's going to sound great :cheers:

The M2 amp (Teabag Version) is now finished and burning in
It was fired up last night about 10pm, but first up was a slow variac rise for testing (no smoke
) :birthday:
However it was necessary to swap out one resistor on both boards to 'center' the dc offset.

Once that was done it was time to let it stabilize, offset is now under 3mv.
Both channels are so close you'd think they were matched.

So far the massive heatsinks on the 5U case are doing their job very nicely. Just over luke warm so far.



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M2 vs F6.

I've been living with my copy of the M2 for about 1 1/2 months now. It's been driven with an Aikido Preamp driving a set of single fullrange driver backhorns (JX92). I also have an F6 which I had taken out of the system after finishing the M2. I really like the M2 a lot and after 6 weeks had a hard time talking myself into taking it out to compare it to the F6, but tonight I had some time so I spent time listening to the M2 on a variety of music while the F6 was warming up, once it was nice and toasty I swapped the amps out and went through the same musical selection. Here are my impressions. The F6 has more gain, I needed to turn the volume down several notches after switching the amps. The F6 is a very detailed amp, the most detailed one I've heard, more so than the M2, you hear everything in a recording good and bad. The M2 is softer, smoother sounding in comparison. The F6 image seems more focused, the M2 has a wide soundstage that fills the whole room, the F6 isn't as wide, but it's still plenty wide enough, and it's under a bright spotlight right in front of you. The F6 maintains the Vulcan death grip on the speakers, it is very precise throughout the spectrum and especially noteworthy in the bass. Nothing gets out of control. The M2 is a bit looser, plenty of base, just as deep, but not as tight and controlled. Mids on the M2 are really nice, smooth, the F6 is also really nice, more detailed, once again candlelight (M2) compared to full sunlight(F6). The highs on the M2 are also very nice, a bit softer, the F6 sparkles with detail. So now I'm totally confused I'm not sure which one sounds more real, or better, not sure which one I like better. The M2 is certainly beautiful and romantic, but the F6 is very, very impressive. I guess it's a pretty good problem to have.

I will agree with everything you have said about both the F6 & M2. I have horn speakers and for me the M2 is my preferred amp. I have always thought that the F6 would shine more on conventional speakers but I can understand why some may even like the M2 better for the conventional speaker. The M2 has more of a tube sound with lovely vocals.
M2 vs F6.

I've been living with my copy of the M2 for about 1 1/2 months now. It's been driven with an Aikido Preamp driving a set of single fullrange driver backhorns (JX92). I also have an F6 which I had taken out of the system after finishing the M2. I really like the M2 a lot and after 6 weeks had a hard time talking myself into taking it out to compare it to the F6, but tonight I had some time so I spent time listening to the M2 on a variety of music while the F6 was warming up, once it was nice and toasty I swapped the amps out and went through the same musical selection. Here are my impressions. The F6 has more gain, I needed to turn the volume down several notches after switching the amps. The F6 is a very detailed amp, the most detailed one I've heard, more so than the M2, you hear everything in a recording good and bad. The M2 is softer, smoother sounding in comparison. The F6 image seems more focused, the M2 has a wide soundstage that fills the whole room, the F6 isn't as wide, but it's still plenty wide enough, and it's under a bright spotlight right in front of you. The F6 maintains the Vulcan death grip on the speakers, it is very precise throughout the spectrum and especially noteworthy in the bass. Nothing gets out of control. The M2 is a bit looser, plenty of base, just as deep, but not as tight and controlled. Mids on the M2 are really nice, smooth, the F6 is also really nice, more detailed, once again candlelight (M2) compared to full sunlight(F6). The highs on the M2 are also very nice, a bit softer, the F6 sparkles with detail. So now I'm totally confused I'm not sure which one sounds more real, or better, not sure which one I like better. The M2 is certainly beautiful and romantic, but the F6 is very, very impressive. I guess it's a pretty good problem to have.


No surprise there. F6 has less distortion and higher damping factor. M2 is nice colouring machine.
The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
The F6 is a very detailed amp, the most detailed one I've heard, more so than the M2, you hear everything in a recording good and bad. The M2 is softer, smoother sounding in comparison.

You can alter that a bit with a different transformer in the M2 - the Jensen
will render more detail and bandwidth, but saturates earlier at higher levels.

My review of the M2 ( Teabag Version )
using Harris/Vishay Transistors and Audio-note non magnetic resistors in R1,R2,R3,R4

Its judged against the F5 from memory and the F6

Pre - Nakamichi CA5
Source - Cyrus CD8 SE
Medium - CD
Speakers - Klipsch La Scala ( Highly Modified )
Sensitivity min 104db
Album - Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon, and my brutal mixed track test CD
Warm up 1 hour

The F6 is super sharp and precise and does all things nice
In a word - Its very analytical and has excellent 3D presentation in high sensitivity speakers just like the F5 its very punchy but has more finesse than the rugged F5

The M2 on the other hand is just as precise, but with a presentation that has more reserved control with an emphasis on the instrument and vocal area
In playback, its not holding anything back but only gives whats required to get the job done
The M2 portrays the feeling and tempo of the music a little better, by emphasizing a slightly more controlled and a warmer feel with a wider presentation
Still very sharp on changing passages but with a little more warmth

Treble - is clean and clear with lots of hang time
Midrange - is where the M2 shines and it shines on vocals and softer instrumental passages
Bass - is still abundant but with less thump

To compare the sharpness scale of F6 and M2 with an example
F6 = You have a cleaver and a piece of steak on a cutting board
You have the cleaver raised at head level and strike - it cuts immediately and cleanly
But you can't hit a precise spot to cut

M2 = You have a sharp knife and a piece of steak on a cutting board
You have the knife placed exactly where you want it to cut - you push - it cuts immediately and cleanly but cuts in exactly the place you want it -- This is the M2

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