Open source Waveguides for CNC & 3D printing!

I’ve not measured them, but SB Acoustics says they’re interchangeable in the Bromo kit. There may be infinitesimally small difference; which might be trumped by colour preference in sighted listening tests.

I honestly think Its a case of colour preference/attraction.

the white cones suit lighter timber, IMHO
I thought so - but it's always interesting to hear experiences from others. They write this:

"Tweeters ADC (aluminum) and CDC (ceramic) are also interchangeable. Though the specs are similar, both setups are audibly different. The ceramic set is subjective step up form a relatively small difference in price."

Which I interpret as the ceramic being ever so slightly better - maybe. Fun thing is, that the CDC is cheaper than the ADC here... just 5 Euro... but still.
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Cheaper can sometimes be about sales volume, I think.

here in Oz the CDC are a significant margin ove the NBAC; and the CRC higher still.

We have no idea on the sales demand for the white silver or black alu coated drivers.

i got the original NAC (silver ones). Unless my cabinet is polished raw aluminium, I’d prefer the black cones.

For piano finish black cabinets I’d choose the white cones.

I can’t imagine having an 18” white coned subwoofer.

But you never know; Apple might release one- and alla sudden, big speakers are all the rage again.

Templates come in two pieces so they can fit the printer bed. I use superglue to glue them together.


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FYI, I ended up going with .stl over 3mf. When I tested a couple vendors, some don't recognize 3mf yet. This is a bummer because 3mf allowed including the engineering units in the file, so there would be no more confusion over metric vs standard. Also, weird internal faces throwing errors were supposed to be reduced because 3mf has a better storage format. Oh well.

On an upnote, wow have prices come down for printing! quoted me $25 for nylon SLS (my favorite) on one of my 5" waveguides! Now I just have to understand their finishing options, I'm not sure you can "polish" SLS, at least without removing a lot of material.
I sent 2 files to i.materialize and I confirm they have good price, I select SLS with black satin diying and to me it looks good enough for my project

And by the way, did you complete your latest T34B waveguides iteration yet ? if yes any measurements to show ?
I'm speculating its because the waveguide works well and spreads the coverage where it would usually beam, >~10kHz lowering the on axis response because power would be same with or without waveguide, output is just spread on wider angle than without waveguide. Up untill the breakup which is unaffected by the waveguide. Here is some other measurement for comparison
jcga> I'm going to look over the elliptical again, it should have been the same response as the last elliptical I posted, but it's a bit worse and I'm not sure why.

tktran303> I've noticed that too. I'm investigating the possibility my mic response has wandered at the high end, or my HBT tailing of the cal file was a little off. I have two other calibrated mics here and I'm going to compare all 3 soon and make sure all 3 agree with each other. It's tough at high frequencies because all 3 are only calibrated to 24khz, and you have to add a HBT tail to them to reach 48khz. This is somewhat subjective. But I do have some tweeters with breakup past 24khz that I can use to calibrate the HBT to give the same response as the factory measurement. BTW, if anyone knows of a calibrator doing calibrations out to 48khz, I would appreciate it.

mecedo, if you want small, use the T25B.