Slewmaster - CFA vs. VFA "Rumble"

Terry do a listening test to Kypton-v:shhh:

Hi Thimios,

I tried the Krypton with the latest changes. Bad oscillation and surging. I didn't have time to trouble shoot. I will try again after the holiday.

I also listened to the Eyesee. Very underwhelming. The output is low so that may have something to do with it. I will look into that after the holiday as well.

Blessings, Terry
Hi Thimios,

I tried the Krypton with the latest changes. Bad oscillation and surging. I didn't have time to trouble shoot. I will try again after the holiday.

I also listened to the Eyesee. Very underwhelming. The output is low so that may have something to do with it. I will look into that after the holiday as well.

Blessings, Terry
My friend, this problem is yours .Krypton-v is rock stable(tested).
Eyesee is a working IPS also.
Yes, I know yours works. I haven't had time to trouble shoot. I didn't think about the CSP until now. I'm in bed so will have to check later. Same with Eyesee. It probably needs some adjustment. I didn't have time today. We have been very busy with the new grand baby and the holiday. I'll try to sneak some time to investigate.


It was bugging me so I went out and got a board. Csp's are correct so It must be something else. I'll report back when I've found the problem.
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Spring for a Luxo with the extra dioptre and SMT is easy. I like the look of through hole devices though.

But imagine some of the 80+ device IPS's (kyptonV , spooky) on 76 X 50mm
"mini IPS's". The low Ic of my IPS's makes for perfect SMD creations.
Some passives would still be through-hole (big caps).

PS - I chose my IPS's .... Spooky and wolverines for main stereo use (i'll compare),
and the symasui for the sub. Using my 2sa1673/sc4388's for the sub - lower Ft (20mhz) but higher SOA than the 0281/0302's - 4 pair for each of the 3 amps.
Stuffin' away (while eating stuffing :D) - had most of the OPS devices. :)

Yes, I know yours works. I haven't had time to trouble shoot. I didn't think about the CSP until now. I'm in bed so will have to check later. Same with Eyesee. It probably needs some adjustment. I didn't have time today. We have been very busy with the new grand baby and the holiday. I'll try to sneak some time to investigate.


It was bugging me so I went out and got a board. Csp's are correct so It must be something else. I'll report back when I've found the problem.

Congrats on grandchild , terry !!

Hey ... we need to "slow down":D. I'm sure it's as hard to build 2 new amps a month
as it is to to design 2. I intend to be much more careful on any "blind" design.

BUT , soon I will have "sight" with my new testing jig (the 4th unused slewmonster).
Congrats on grandchild , terry !!

Hey ... we need to "slow down":D. I'm sure it's as hard to build 2 new amps a month
as it is to to design 2. I intend to be much more careful on any "blind" design.

BUT , soon I will have "sight" with my new testing jig (the 4th unused slewmonster).
Me too!
It is time for "slow down"
I have a big difference measuring voltage on Wolverine IPS and i want your advice,i report again about this.