Slewmaster - CFA vs. VFA "Rumble"

Just change some resistor and cap to 1206. Anything else to change ?


  • CFA-X.png
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MJE340/350's do not really affect OPS performance when used as predrivers.

THD is slightly higher and the CFA IPS's slew a bit slower when these are used
as VAS devices.

I have both the 340/350's and the 1381/3503's on hand. Gain wise, both (340/350's)are
100+ current gain. 1381's are higher (e =200+) , and most of the 3503D's are <140.

We aren't getting a match anyhow - NO 3503 - e's :((mouser does not stock them).
Dang , for a symmetric VAS ... like the CFA's - spooky , I might use the 340/350.
At least they match (gain wise).

Symasui and wolverine are designed to compensate for the 1381e/3503d "mismatch" .
(wolverine and symasui are both "upside down" :D - positive CCS/level shifter).


The regular suppliers seem to have ksa1381E and ksc3503D. Is it OK to mix the ranks in the wolverine circuit?

OS types faster then me...

What I meant with the wolverine/symasui -
Since they are "un-symmetric " to begin with , the mismatch really does not
matter. If you wanted to be anal , you could adjust the gain of the active side
(the 3503's Re) to compensate for the gender differences.

The CFA's "like" a better match. (In simulation) , my "Kypton-C" CFA's servo
has to provide more feedback with a mismatched VAS pair.
Lazy cats SMD CFA uses very closely matched devices - he don't need no servo.
Through hole has it's limitations... (especially with a {non-servo'ed}CFA).:(
Just change some resistor and cap to 1206. Anything else to change ?

A good start , but by SMD ... I mean ALL SMD.

- ALL the semi's can be SMD , even the higher Ic VAS one's.

-all diodes -SMD. -all resistors -smd , even the big Zener shunt ones.

- Large caps , trimmers, euro-terminals would be the only through hole devices.

....shrink it down to 76mm X 35-40mm (3 X 1-1/2") :D

MJE340/350's do not really affect OPS performance when used as predrivers.

THD is slightly higher and the CFA IPS's slew a bit slower when these are used
as VAS devices.

I have both the 340/350's and the 1381/3503's on hand. Gain wise, both (340/350's)are
100+ current gain. 1381's are higher (e =200+) , and most of the 3503D's are <140.

We aren't getting a match anyhow - NO 3503 - e's :((mouser does not stock them).
Dang , for a symmetric VAS ... like the CFA's - spooky , I might use the 340/350.
At least they match (gain wise).

Symasui and wolverine are designed to compensate for the 1381e/3503d "mismatch" .
(wolverine and symasui are both "upside down" :D - positive CCS/level shifter).


Hi OS it is useful if you can post a complete list for all IPS where needed matched VAS.
A good start , but by SMD ... I mean ALL SMD.

- ALL the semi's can be SMD , even the higher Ic VAS one's.

-all diodes -SMD. -all resistors -smd , even the big Zener shunt ones.

- Large caps , trimmers, euro-terminals would be the only through hole devices.

....shrink it down to 76mm X 35-40mm (3 X 1-1/2") :D

:magnet: We need an SMD designer soon
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Hi OS it is useful if you can post a complete list for all IPS where needed matched VAS.

Just think about it !! "Needed" might be a overstatement. "Preferred" would be

The servo is quite the little helper :D . For example , the "spook" - VFA , just a
few tenth's of a milliamp DC feedback will correct a unbalanced VAS.
CFA-X will need a few turns on one of the trimmers to do the same.

They all still work in these conditions , but they work better without.