Slewmaster - CFA vs. VFA "Rumble"

I have a 5-pair layout using SMD front end on a 230x67 mm^2 outline for one of my own VFA project. I think it can easily accommodate any of OS's designs. It includes an on-board solid state speaker protection relay. A DC detector and over-current sensing circuit to trigger that relay are also on board. If the protection part of the circuit is not wanted, about 20 mm can be taken off the size of the PCB.
Do you have a schematic to be shared for this board? Very Nice
Very nice , Nat ! :cool: I see those soooo tiny 6 pin pairs at input ... and some
output protection/monitoring at the left of the board.

I would of gone TT OP , but the H/K vbe on the slew is close- with many more
choices. H/K 990 uses just one pair of TT's (other 4 pair standard) to compensate
for the OP Vbe. Same compound Vbe as the slew , but with the TT's taking the
place of the slew heatsink MJE340(sensor).

Excellent layout !

Thanks OS. those 6-pin pairs are HUGE:D. In fact they are the largest SMD tranny pairs you can buy. I'd prefer an OPS with only one or two pairs of TTs and the rest just plane MJL3281/1302. But perhaps we DIYer's don't all have the luxury of matching TT trannies with non-TT ones as factories do? In my layout drivers, pre-drivers are all mounted on the main heat sink. I've never done this before, hopefully it will work out fine.
Thanks OS,
And I wasn't inferring that you weren't a great designer here! I just got the idea somehow in some of your replies that board layout wasn't something you really liked to do. Perhaps that was just something between you and Jason. Does anyone have an idea of what a short run would be considered in having a smd board like we are taking here would actually be. just a best guess by someone who has actually done small run production please. I.m talking a complete input and whatever would be smd on the output side, the whole power amp circuit minus the thru hole devices.
Thanks OS,
And I wasn't inferring that you weren't a great designer here! I just got the idea somehow in some of your replies that board layout wasn't something you really liked to do. Perhaps that was just something between you and Jason. Does anyone have an idea of what a short run would be considered in having a smd board like we are taking here would actually be. just a best guess by someone who has actually done small run production please. I.m talking a complete input and whatever would be smd on the output side, the whole power amp circuit minus the thru hole devices.

Oh no .... i did not think that !:eek:

I actually DO like layout (when it's finished) :D.

You see how I do things "block -like" section by section .... I'm careful - never
too far in one step.

If you perfect the IPS in SMD form - and test it with all the OPS's "out there" ...
then , and only then ... can you graft it on to whatever SMD/through hole OPS for
a complete amp board.

The whole slewmaster concept is to do just this. The OPS is a standard known
variable (my HK680 EF3 has lived for 25 years). Many of the IPS's are
lesser built/known designs - look at the issues with the last 4 !! :eek: Imagine if we had to tear up an OPS each time !!

There is a plan in my "madness".
Wait till I debute my (test jig) "beatch" amp w/ the protection circuit -
I would also say "SMD" for IPS and leaded components for outputstage and driverstage, to optain "best of both worls" regarding "compact -low noise - fast Circuit" / "high power" :)

For outputstage have anyone tried a "super buffer" as outputstage, (same coupling as input stage in a CFA or outputstage as in many opamps), but with bias control, I´m thinking if we then could build an extreme fast amplifier- with no compromise outputstage?
I would also say "SMD" for IPS and leaded components for outputstage and driverstage, to optain "best of both worls" regarding "compact -low noise - fast Circuit" / "high power" :)

For outputstage have anyone tried a "super buffer" as outputstage, (same coupling as input stage in a CFA or outputstage as in many opamps), but with bias control, I´m thinking if we then could build an extreme fast amplifier- with no compromise outputstage?

You mean the Cordell diamond buffer triple ?

This (slewmaster) OPS is not really a compromise , it has an upper limit of >1kV/us.
Not slow at all.
My own Krypton-v is fully functional,i can't understand why Terry have an issue with this.

Sorry, I should have reported. I got one of my Krypton-V boards working. I had 10p in the Csp slots from when we still had the super pairs. I upped them to 22p and all is well. The ther board was giving me fits when I remembered that I had run out of 2u2 film caps and had the idea to try electo's there. Big mistake. It would actually work if I fired it up with no load on the output but if there was a load attached it would just surge. I am waiting on the caps for the second board so I can do a good listening test. I don't like doing listening tests in mono.

Anyway, the Krypton C and V are both working and stable.

Blessings, Terry
Hi Carl,

I did listen to them briefly but was not impressed. I kind of hurried building those and probably need to go back through the the thread and read a little more about them. The gain seemed low and that may have affected the the overall sound. Give me a few more days and I dig back into them. I'm just finishing building a couple new Apex designs so my bench is full.

Blessings, Terry
Sorry, I should have reported. I got one of my Krypton-V boards working. I had 10p in the Csp slots from when we still had the super pairs. I upped them to 22p and all is well. The ther board was giving me fits when I remembered that I had run out of 2u2 film caps and had the idea to try electo's there. Big mistake. It would actually work if I fired it up with no load on the output but if there was a load attached it would just surge. I am waiting on the caps for the second board so I can do a good listening test. I don't like doing listening tests in mono.

Anyway, the Krypton C and V are both working and stable.

Blessings, Terry

I am waiting for your test (with square wave signal as usual and listening test). Please give the schematic of Krypton-V with super pair that worked.
I have ordered some "better" IC's as they were suggested for the Apex models as well. I'll try them and see if it makes a difference.

Just consider , I did not design the op-amp.

All the eyesee does is amplify the collector currents of the op-amp's output
stage. The discrete part of the eyesee is a mirrored CFA-x or Spooky hawksford.

I am waiting for your test (with square wave signal as usual and listening test). Please give the schematic of Krypton-V with super pair that worked.

This schematic worked but clipped funny. OS suggested adding anti-facing diodes to curb the weird clipping. I wish I had tried that before I pulled the super pair. If I get feeling spunky, I may put everything back and try the clamp just for fun. :D