Solid Solid State Power Amplifier

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Square, 8 ohm load, 40us/div.


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Hugh, lanchile - thanks for your positive comments.

Bobodioulasso - this has been a prototype evaluation (just measurements). I am going to build the amplifier in a 4U, 440 x 400 mm box, as a dual mono. I hope to have finished this in about 2 months, and then I can say more about audible differences between smaller and bigger version.

Best regards,

I will be most amused to see you describing the 'sound' with 'mere words'. Such an endeavour may cause great discomfort! Despite your very good English, I suspect you may have difficulties......

I know that designing a beautiful layout like yours can take 40-50 hours or more of intensive work at the CAD program. It requires great commitment and for many is dull work. You are unusual in that you have such strong technical insights but you do a beautiful, almost aesthetic layout job. I have a crazy notion that such care does improve the sound, but I could well be wrong.

Why such a tall box, 176mm is REALLY tall, would not 3U offer sufficient radiating area?

Joined 2007
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Hi Pavel,
What can one say :) an inspiration to us all surely.

And Hugh,
"I have a crazy notion that such care does improve the sound, but I could well be wrong."

Do you not find the car runs "better" and is a "better drive" when all clean and polished ;)

thanks again for your kind words. You are certainly right about possible difficulties resulting from describing sound.

Regarding 4U box, distance (height) between top and bottom edge of power transistors is more than 125mm. This might just fit into 3U, but ....

Supply voltage is 2 x 59V at idle, falling to some 2 x 55V at full load and power. There are 4 pairs of output devices, each biased at 25mV Re (0R22) voltage drop, i.e. 114mA / 1pair. The idle current per one channel is about 450mA. This, at 118V supply, results in 53W of idle power dissipation per channel, so large and efficient heatsinks are required.

My admiration to John Curl's JC-1. Nine pairs and much higher supply voltage ....

Best regards,
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