The best bass ever heard (and possibly affordable)

Hmmm. 20 to 25Hz HPF have been on almost every amplifier or EXO unit I have ever owned and I do consider them part of the Hi-Fi package. Perhaps not in HT where an 8 to 12 Hz pass might be better.
Obviously everybody differs in the opinion on these but I use them all the time.
Well, I used to think that way before I listened to a fully direct coupled signal chain fed by a high res digital source. I'll take the risk of having infrasonik junk on my recordings do possible mechanical damage to an LF driver. I would never run a HP ever again or anything with a noticeable phase shift above 15hz - even my vinyl playback fulfills this requirement.

The thing is even direct coupled gear will have a DC servo on it acting as sort of a HP. My amps behave like this above roughly 3 - 5hz, but the thing is it can and will add up the more components introduced into the signal path. So its not just the amp, but also the source and every stage of gain in the signal path, which will add up to a more substantial amount by the time everything comes out of the speakers.
Thanks! It’s good to be back. I’ve been playing with DBA and Magnepan since the last time I was active here.
My current setup is a 5.1.4 system with five active Magnepan 3.7/3.6, four 1.6 as Atmos speakers, and the DBA. I’m using 24 Seas L26ROY woofers in small closed boxes. The room looks kinda crazy, but it’s usually covered up with curtains.

Front end including three Magnepans.

View attachment 1119378

Two of the Magnepans on the picture are no longer there. This is taken when I had a 7.1.4 setup.

View attachment 1119379

With the clothes on …

View attachment 1119380
Awesome looking room!
Respect for that DBA!

love ur foam diffusion “cloud”. Waf clearly isnt a concern 😂

quick question, do the drapes make the room slightly overly dead?
finally, do you have a pics of the eq curves at play?
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The best bass I've ever heard measures like this in the main listening position (with low-pass filter @ 150 Hz).
Its my own DBA with a whole lot of EQ on the rear array.

View attachment 1119330

And its waterfall response... showing an almost total freedom from room resonances.

View attachment 1119331

There is no low-frequency absorption in this room...
Hey Stig, with a frequency plot like that you certainly have bragging rights.! No one else posted the frequency plots of their bass, so a lot of opinions and claims without anything to back up their opinions or claims.

I suspect that a double bass array provides for the best possible bass (flattest frequency response) - probably better than multiple subwoofers strategically spread around the room. However, there is an additional challenge of matching the timing of the bass with the main speakers so that you don't end up with muddy sound at the crossover point. Since the bass drivers are behind the main speakers, how do you time align the bass with the Magnepans?
No one else posted the frequency plots of their bass

no less interesting are such graphs:

and clarity\definition, here is D50:
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Hey Stig, with a frequency plot like that you certainly have bragging rights.! No one else posted the frequency plots of their bass, so a lot of opinions and claims without anything to back up their opinions or claims.

I suspect that a double bass array provides for the best possible bass (flattest frequency response) - probably better than multiple subwoofers strategically spread around the room. However, there is an additional challenge of matching the timing of the bass with the main speakers so that you don't end up with muddy sound at the crossover point. Since the bass drivers are behind the main speakers, how do you time align the bass with the Magnepans?


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Awesome looking room!
Respect for that DBA!

love ur foam diffusion “cloud”. Waf clearly isnt a concern 😂

quick question, do the drapes make the room slightly overly dead?
finally, do you have a pics of the eq curves at play?

Yeah, the room is quite dead with all that diffusion. RT60 around 0.15 s. The drapes don't have all that much effect really, but they do increase the WAF!

I use a MiniDSP Flex on the DBA as you can see.

Overall setup

Input EQ


Rear array EQ


No EQ on the front array.
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That's true. There's also a number of other reasons why a large number of small subwoofers is a better solution than a few large ones.
  • It will increase the upper bandwidth of a DBA because the distance between each subwoofer is shorter.
  • Easier to move them around. I'm sick and tired of big and heavy speakers....
  • Easier to build. Small subwoofer boxes can be made from regular plywood without bracing, and still be more than good enough.
  • Small boxes have their internal standing wave modes far above the lowpass XO point.
  • Large boxes will become reflectors, while small ones are less visible acoustically. If you look at the pictures of my DBA, you see that the entire back wall is covered by a skyline diffusor. With large subwoofers, most of the diffusion will be hidden behind them.
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Hey StigErik,

That is a serious evolution since the BG RD75 arrays ?!

How do you prefer Magnepan 1.7 i over the BG RD75 array you crossed around 250 hz if my memory serves me well ? The 3.7 are in the corner areas, why did you prefer them at this area over the front littlier 1.7 ?

But the WAF needed curtains, I also like the fact those curtains are surely a big plus for dipole speakers as the Magys...

Kudos for the listening room :) :)

(what is DBA meanning please)

So what is the in room power that you loved best for you taste please ? Flat, genttle digging from the bass to the treble, -5 to -10 dB ?

I hate to admit that, but for most of us that has not the talent of filter passove designing to follow a target curve, such clever active DSP system seems the ways to do ! Too bad as I think (but maybe I am wrong) than the quality of the digital to analog system matters in the final quality of a sota playback (DCS, Total DAC, RME, etc)... but maybe I am wrong !

That's impressive evolutions you did StigErik into our hobby... that's crazy cool !
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Not sure what you mean regarding 1.7, as I’ve never owned a pair. I’ve heard them a couple of times, and thought they sounded rather dull to be honest. Well, every Magnepan I’ve heard sounded far from good really. Most people simply don’t have good enough rooms to put them in, or don’t have a clue of how to set them up. I’ve seen them all to often positioned 1 meter or less from the front wall, with no toe-in, and listening position 7 meters away…..

Dipoles are tricky because of all that rear radiation. The x.7 generation Magnepan also behaves less than good off-axis because of those very odd crossovers. Well, with an active crossover and DSP it’s a totally different speaker, and I love how they sound. Never heard anything like it.

It may look like my 3.7’s are in the corners, but they’re actually not. They are close to the side walls, which is covered with absorption. Behind them there is 2 meters free space. The tweeters are on the outside. I found this position gave the least amount of early reflections. In my opinion, the only way to find the best speaker and listening positions, is through measurements.

DBA = Double Bass Array.

My target room curve slopes down 3 dB @ 10 kHz from approximately 2 kHz. Then there is +10 dB from 150 to 20 Hz.

In my opinion, modern AD/DA sounds completely transparent. I go from digital to analog in my Marantz receiver, and then analog-digital-analog again in the Hypex FusionAmps on the maggies, and the same with MiniDSP on the double bass array. There are more important things to worry about I think. In my opinion, speakers and room acoustics is 90% of the sound quality. That’s where I put my effort.
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