"Unitized" Image Control Waveguide

I've created a GIT repo for my waveguides.

The latest version of the Unitized Image Control Waveguide can be downloaded here.

If you have a git client installed, you can get the repo like this:

johndoe@DESKTOP-FA5T5QS MINGW64 ~/Downloads/work
$ git clone GitHub - crater-lake/UICW: Small Open Source Unity Waveguide
Cloning into 'UICW'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 9, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 0), reused 6 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), done.

What I'd like to do is keep these online, so whenever someone is looking for the latest version, they can pull them down from git. Another nice thing about git is that I can include instructions on how to print them and build the speaker. That's the next step.[/QUOTE]
Joined 2008
Paid Member
The painted waveguide looks great (the lower left part was messed up a bit, I sanded it and repainted later). I have the midranges at home, still waiting for the tweeters and crossover parts. I also need to find some nice screws to fix the midranges to the waveguide.


  • D2F1291B-F7F0-4F8D-A050-EB021F2922E8.jpg
    852.8 KB · Views: 586

If build complexity where no issue, what cabinet would you put these in? You talked about roundovers benefitting directivity. Is there a chance you could design and post one?

I've been looking for a project to pull the trigger on and don't know how I missed this one until now. It certainly fits the bill. I plan on CNC cutting 3/4" BB and stacking it. So I can make these speakers with any angles or roundovers.

If build complexity where no issue, what cabinet would you put these in? You talked about roundovers benefitting directivity. Is there a chance you could design and post one?

I've been looking for a project to pull the trigger on and don't know how I missed this one until now. It certainly fits the bill. I plan on CNC cutting 3/4" BB and stacking it. So I can make these speakers with any angles or roundovers.

Hi Brad,

The enclosure design is here : "Unitized" Image Control Waveguide

Let me know if you have any questions.
My thought was to stick with your cabinet design but possibly incorporate some roundovers or a curved front baffle. I don’t want to screw up important proportions or directivity though. You mentioned that certain roundovers could increase directivity lower down. What are your thoughts on this?
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Also what are the exact locations on baffle of the woofers and waveguide?


1) the waveguide is centered on the baffle

2) The top and the bottom woofers are centered on the remaining space. Basically the gap between the woofer and the top of the enclosure should be equal to the gap between the waveguide and the woofer.

3) The left and the right woofer are centered with the top and bottom edge of the waveguide.

Having said all that, I'm not sure that I'd build this enclosure again. My "inspiration" was the original enclosure for the Summa, which was built like a surfboard : foam wrapped in carbon fiber. In my case, I was using fiberglass.

The Summa enclosure is solid as a rock.


It's a nightmare to build, and in later iterations of the Summa, I understand that Geddes found that a good brace offered more "bang for the buck."

Long story short: the foam and fiberglass CLD construction is probably too much work.

Because the crossover on the Unity horn in this project is about 350Hz, nearly any woofer will work with this project.


For instance, something like this would work perfectly well, and would be less work.

The main advantage of the array of MCM 55-1870s is that it 'pushes' directivity control down to about 400Hz, and the array raises the efficiency of the midbass quite a bit.
I like the idea of pushing the directivity down. And I kind of like the look of your corner design. I do realize it will be a PITA to assemble though, especially clamping the wood. Cuts are CNC. Were it not for the directivity control of the woofer array I would do it as a two way. And I still may.

What about the position of the front woofers horizontally on the baffle?

I searched and searched but couldn't find WxH of the waveguide.

I'll do a CLD brace or a few. Geddes says it's just as good as CLD baffles. I'll use 3/4" BB throughout.

Probably going to go with the same cuts as you. Stacking plys is just as much, if not more work for little to no gain on this one. Also much more expensive.
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Thank you. I thought the git files would be printer code. Didn't know about STL.

I'd just like to ask a few questions.

1. What is the horizontal location of the woofers on the middle baffle?

2. Is woofer CTC with waveguide a different length for the side woofers vs center woofers? It looks like side is ~9 3/8" or 238mm

3. What is the ideal vertical polar? So to decide how high to have the speakers.

4. If I use 6.5" woofers, I have 8 of these. Do I just modify the cabinet to keep CTC distances the same?

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